Capture The Flag
Event Placed Team Where Year
GPN CTF 2024 21st out of 690 FoocHackz Online 2024
L3akCTF 2024 8th out of 500 FoocHackz Online 2024
UMassCTF 2024 17th out of 400 FoocHackz Online 2024
TJCTF 2024 33rd out of 500 Mntcrl Online 2024
b01lersCTF 2nd out of 400 MotherFHackers Online 2024
WolvCTF 11th out of 620 Mntcrl Online 2024
VikeCTF 4th out of 320 Mntcrl Online 2024
SnakeCTF 4th out of 200 FoocHackz Online 2023
M0lecon Beginner 3rd out of 500 FoocHackz Online 2023
EKOPARTY CTF 2023 5th out of 550 Mntcrl Online & Buenos Aires 2023
Reply CyberSecurity Challenge 2023 15th out of 3085 Mntcrl Online & Reply Hubs 2023
Srdnlen CTF 2023 8th out of 300 FoocHackz Online 2023
DefCamp CTF 2023 30th out of 1500 FoocHackz Online 2023
Internet Festial 2023 CTF Finals 5th out of 8 FoocHackz Pisa 2023
TeamItaly CTF 2023 8th out of 500 FoocHackz Online 2023
Lexington Informatics CTF 2023 25th out of 650 Mntcrl Online 2023
TFC CTF 2023 22th out of 963 Mntcrl Online 2023
Internet Festival 2023 CTF Quals 8th out of 500 FoocHackz Online 2023
DanteCTF 2023 5th out of 660 Mntcrl Online 2023
m0leCon CTF 2023 Teaser 24th out of 500 Mntcrl Online 2023
NahamCon EU 2022 CTF 16th out of 1200 Mntcrl Online 2022
Hackappatoi CTF '22 5th out of 300 Mntcrl Online 2022

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